Author Archives: Gorillaz Tips

Sleeping IS Working Out

  Well not quite, but it is extremely important when it comes to meeting your fitness goals. Getting a healthy amount of sleep does all kinds of wonderful things for your health: it makes you smarter, keeps you free from depression, less inclined to get cancer, and overall contributes to a longer, healthier life. Napping has also been proven to positively impact brain capacity.

 And when you thought it couldn’t get any better, studies have shown that a good night’s rest makes your body more conducive to losing weight!

There are two influential hormones (called ghrelin and leptin) that regulate your appetite. Ghrelin increases before you eat and decreases after you eat, determining how hungry you are. Leptin, on the other hand, contributes to the feeling of satiation. These chemicals need to be kept in balance so that you don’t go on eating and eating and eating.

If that’s not enough to convince you to pay attention to your sleep habits, here’s a whopping fact: Proper sleep makes you less tired! With more energy, you’ll be more motivated to work out before work, more effective at work, and more likely to go for a run after work!
The average adult requires between 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Start sleeping right and you’ll find the productivity in your workouts will skyrocket. So sleep well and prosper!

Non-GMO Labelling

  It’s been like how long?….

Well it’s back now… Short and snappy this time, so let’s dive right in….

In the EU there are already regulations put in place that say products manufactured in the EU that contain more than 0.9% GM material must be labelled as such.
However, the demand for GM-free foods containing no more than 0.1% GM is on the rise. Even though the percentages are small. Countries like Germany, UK and Italy have had increasing number of GMO-free claims recently.

The question is what is the need for this it’s only 0.9%…?
Well Alexander Hissting, managing director of the German Association of GM-free Food says: 

“The necessity comes …from the loopholes in the current EU labelling regime for GM food and feed. Animal products like meat, milk and eggs do not have to be labelled as GM, even if the animals have been fed on a GM diet.”

So there you go guys…


Hemp and Reefer…. The Untold Story

Did you know that Cannabis along side Hemp were banned in the 1930’s simply because some dudes that owned a newspaper timber industry, did not want to lose money.

The far superior industry of Hemp materials was going to blown them out the water.

Hemp is the cousin plant to Marijuana”

They knew the psychoactive effects of Cannabis were not the least bit dangerous. The plant was part of the economy since the 17th century.

So they fabricated headlines such as this one and successfully got the mass public believing this was the Devil’s Plant:

“Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes.”

By the way… Hemp is not psychoactive at all, in fact it is very nutrient dense. It is the most bioavailable source of protein known to man.

On top of that, one of the first cars ever made had it’s body made entirely out of Hemp. It’s creator, a chap by the name of Henry FORD

“Pound for Pound, Hemp’s fibres are stronger than steel”

If you are ever talking about a super extra terrestrial material resource that can help sustain and improve life on Earth… Hemp is as alien as it gets.

Here are some info-graphic’s on Hemp and Weed.

Disclaimer: I do not smoke myself…I just do Yoga. 🙂





Vitamin D

Cool Info graphic of Dr Ronda Patrick’s work on Vitamin D by Jason Wright.

I have recently bought her book on Omega-3’s. Once read, I will post any interesting information I find.



Honey is Healthier than Sugar

20140521-101250-36770823.jpgIt is widely thought that natural honey is a much healthier option than processed white sugar. While there may be a sliver of truth in this, they are actually pretty much the same thing. Both are broken down in the body to their base element – glucose. In fact all sugars break down to pretty much the same thing when digested. Honey may contains slightly larger amounts of vitamins and minerals than processed cane sugar but it also contains slightly more calories per teaspoon, approx. 22 kcals compared to 16 kcals for sugar. Another quick tip; brown sugar is usually just white sugar with molasses added to make it look brown.

Alternatives like Stevia, derive from a South American plant, and can be used to replace sugar. Stevia is known to be over 100 times stronger than table sugar, yet some people experience a bitter taste.

I will be posting an article I found on Stevia soon.