Monthly Archives: December 2013

‘But I Don’t Like To Run…’

Maybe you have bad joints, maybe you get bored, or maybe you just can’t run very far. The fact of the matter is this: if you don’t like an exercise, you probably won’t do it.

Considering that cardio exercise is absolutely essential to maintaining any kind of fitness, then you need to learn to love running or find something else. So here are some exercises that will grant you a beautiful cardio workout without running:

Cycling. You go fast, you see the world (or the TV screen), and you get cardio. It’s a wonderful exercise that’s easy on the joints and will get you moving.

Swimming. If you haven’t heard, swimming has almost zero impact on your joints. Push yourself and you’ll have an incredible workout and a Baywatch body. Did I mention you don’t have to worry about sweat stains?

Rollerblading. It’s like running really, really fast… but with wheels and half the strain on your joints. An hour of moderate rollerblading will bum almost 400 calories: That’s not bad, and it’s a good deal of fun.

Circuit training. Combines machines, free weight exercises, and resistance bands with very little breaks in between. Move immediately from one exercise to
the other and you strengthen your heart while building a powerhouse physique.

So if you don’t like to run, don’t let it get you down: There are plenty of other exercises that will give you the cardio you need. Find the exercise that you enjoy the most and you’ll get the most out of it!

Do You Still Have A Gut?

The most widely googled fitness-related question is “How do I get a flat stomach?” You’re doing a thousand sit-ups a day and eating less than ever, but you can’t get get rid of your belly.

Truth: your abs are there…somewhere. Most people think that fitness is all about “moving more and eating less”.In a strictly logical sense, that’s correct; a calorie deficit will help you lose weight. But that basic strategy sheds not just fat, but also muscle. Which will leave your skinny belly a bit flabby.

80% of the formula for an enviable
beach body can be summed up in one word: nutrition. Your guide to getting a flatter stomach can be based on some basic principles:

1. Body Fat Percentage: Almost every adult human (especially men) have enough muscle that, if body fat percentage was trimmed down, they’d be ready for Baywatch.

2. Eating Right: If you wish to lose weight, you don’t need to count calories as much as you need to eliminate foods that your body does not immediately use. The key to your diet should be high protein whole foods (grass-fed meats, nuts, eggs), fruits, and vegetables, vegetables, vegetables. Eat as many vegetables as you want.

3. Resistance Training: When you concentrate solely on losing weight, if you are not utilizing progressive resistance training, you are going to be throwing muscle away with the fat.

Combine vigorous, intense strength
training with the right nutrition, and
you’ll be on the fast track to a flat, toned stomach.