Hemp and Reefer…. The Untold Story

Did you know that Cannabis along side Hemp were banned in the 1930’s simply because some dudes that owned a newspaper timber industry, did not want to lose money.

The far superior industry of Hemp materials was going to blown them out the water.

Hemp is the cousin plant to Marijuana”

They knew the psychoactive effects of Cannabis were not the least bit dangerous. The plant was part of the economy since the 17th century.

So they fabricated headlines such as this one and successfully got the mass public believing this was the Devil’s Plant:

“Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes.”

By the way… Hemp is not psychoactive at all, in fact it is very nutrient dense. It is the most bioavailable source of protein known to man.

On top of that, one of the first cars ever made had it’s body made entirely out of Hemp. It’s creator, a chap by the name of Henry FORD

“Pound for Pound, Hemp’s fibres are stronger than steel”

If you are ever talking about a super extra terrestrial material resource that can help sustain and improve life on Earth… Hemp is as alien as it gets.


Here are some info-graphic’s on Hemp and Weed.

Disclaimer: I do not smoke myself…I just do Yoga. 🙂





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