Monthly Archives: July 2015

Non-GMO Labelling

  It’s been like how long?….

Well it’s back now… Short and snappy this time, so let’s dive right in….

In the EU there are already regulations put in place that say products manufactured in the EU that contain more than 0.9% GM material must be labelled as such.
However, the demand for GM-free foods containing no more than 0.1% GM is on the rise. Even though the percentages are small. Countries like Germany, UK and Italy have had increasing number of GMO-free claims recently.

The question is what is the need for this it’s only 0.9%…?
Well Alexander Hissting, managing director of the German Association of GM-free Food says: 

“The necessity comes …from the loopholes in the current EU labelling regime for GM food and feed. Animal products like meat, milk and eggs do not have to be labelled as GM, even if the animals have been fed on a GM diet.”

So there you go guys…
