Sleeping IS Working Out

  Well not quite, but it is extremely important when it comes to meeting your fitness goals. Getting a healthy amount of sleep does all kinds of wonderful things for your health: it makes you smarter, keeps you free from depression, less inclined to get cancer, and overall contributes to a longer, healthier life. Napping has also been proven to positively impact brain capacity.

 And when you thought it couldn’t get any better, studies have shown that a good night’s rest makes your body more conducive to losing weight!

There are two influential hormones (called ghrelin and leptin) that regulate your appetite. Ghrelin increases before you eat and decreases after you eat, determining how hungry you are. Leptin, on the other hand, contributes to the feeling of satiation. These chemicals need to be kept in balance so that you don’t go on eating and eating and eating.

If that’s not enough to convince you to pay attention to your sleep habits, here’s a whopping fact: Proper sleep makes you less tired! With more energy, you’ll be more motivated to work out before work, more effective at work, and more likely to go for a run after work!
The average adult requires between 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Start sleeping right and you’ll find the productivity in your workouts will skyrocket. So sleep well and prosper!

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