Monthly Archives: January 2013

The ledrit knee: you’ll never see it in a UFC match

And why is that? Because most MMA fighters are learning a watered down sport version of mauy thai that their trainer learned at some Master Toddy seminar or maybe at a JKD workshop. The ring style knee is primarily used to wear down your opponent, and to score points, much like body punches do in western boxing. Diesel Noi proved that knees were powerful enough to end a fight.

But what I see from fighters in MMA matches is, in my humble opinion, an utter disservice to muay thai in general. I cringe when I see fighters go for a knock out knee to the jaw. Look at the location of the knee in relation to the face. Do you really think you’ll generate that much force and maintain that force 5 to 6 feet high? The knee is meant to drive into the lower abdomen, groin of thighs. Thats the old style muay thai knee. It’s meant to buckle your opponent, its your entry into the head/throat strikes that will incapacitate. high, low – that’s the secret formula. But I guess until these MMA guys gets a knee full of teeth (no one taught them to turn the head) they’ll keep aiming high.

Her’s the difference between a ring style/MMA knee and a ledrit knee.

ledrit knee

Become A More Sensitive Guy

Everyone knows stress is a psychological cold shower. But untamed tension also works in a more insidious way—by releasing epinephrine, a type of adrenaline that goes straight to your arteries and slowly wreaks havoc there. “Stress in the long term can contribute to hardening of the arteries,” says Dr. Jones, who is author of Overcoming Impotence: A Leading Urologist Tells You Everything You Need to Know.

In a great medical irony, being hard in the arteries can leave you soft in the shorts. The fix: Force yourself to concentrate on each of your five senses for a few minutes every day—the feel of the steering wheel in your hands, the sound of the engine revving to redline, the sight of the hot brunette in the next car . . .

“Obsessing on stressful thoughts will increase your epinephrine,” says Jay Winner, M.D., author of Stress Management Made Simple. “On the other hand, if you focus on current sensations, it decreases the epinephrine and ultimately improves your ability to have an erection.”


Prevent Heart Disease

Exercise can help prevent heart disease by improving insulin action. Insulin resistance syndrome, in which the body fails to use insulin properly, accounts for more than 60% of the cases of heart disease in women and up to 30% in American men.





Evidence showing that cannabis could be the most nutritional vegetable in the world!

So go out and get your fill

via The most important video you may ever watch.

via The most important video you may ever watch.

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