Monthly Archives: July 2012


For injuries, R.I.C.E. is nice.
1.Rest: When you are hurt, stop your workout immediately and take weight off the affected area.

2.Ice: Wrap ice in a towel and hold it against the injury for 10 to 20 minutes, three or four times a day until the acute injury diminishes.

3.Compress: Wrap the injured area in a snug, but not tight, elastic bandage.

4.Elevate: Raise the injured limb and rest it on a pillow to reduce swelling.


Stop Sawing Wood

Snoring can sabotage a night of sex, and not just because it’s difficult to engage in foreplay from the couch. “All of your tissue needs oxygen to be healthy, and the penile tissue is especially sensitive,” says Dr. Jones. “When you snore, you’re depriving your tissue of that oxygen.”

That said, don’t waste your money on OTC snore stoppers; research by the U.S. Air Force shows that these products aren’t effective. Instead, try placing bricks under the bedposts at the head of the bed. “Snoring has a lot to do with gravity,” says Phillip Westerbrook, M.D., founder of the sleep-disorders center at the Mayo Clinic. “If you elevate the torso without bending the neck, it changes the effect of gravity on the soft tissues of the throat.”
