Monthly Archives: January 2012

Blog For Each Day Of The Week ( Bar One )

Here it is this is the format of my blogs my arkadashim’s (friends) from Monday next week…

Random Monday

No Blog Tuesday šŸ˜¦

Muay Thai Wednesday

Gym Thursday

Interesting Friday

Combat Saturday

Nurition Sunday


Old Style Muay Thai Round Kick

There are three key differences between the modern ‘ring style’ muay thai round kick and the old style, military muay thai round kick: the lean, the target and the bio mechanics. Ring style fighters tend to stand upright, back leg flat – old style requires the fighter’s stance to remain leaning forward, which translates into every strike. In the ring, the goal is to score points or get the knock out, so kicks are aimed at the center of the thigh or thrown up high to the head. Never throw a high kick in the street, you’re more likely than not to either slip or get caught. Ledrit and muay baron kicks are aimed lower towards the knee. In combat you won’t lose a point for blowing you your opponent’s knee, you survive. Thirdly, the bio mechanics between the two are completely different. I trained at a ring style school in Seoul and having never seen my style of kicks before, they continually tried to correct me.

I put this short video today to give a little demonstration of the difference between the ring and the old styles of muay thai. Pardon the production quality and the fact that my form is a little messy. Take a look…

Old Style Muay Thai Round Kick

Immortal Technique – Ultimas Parablas

[Audience Claps]

A new American revolution has begun not against the forces of a colonial kingdom, but a rebellion against an oppressor that has risen among us. It is not a foreign invasion we have to fear, rather the threat of a force within our nation that has usurped what was once of having the greatest democracy ever known to man.

We now live in a world where the population has grown exponentially, and the planet is running out of resources to sustain us all. We in the inner city and those struggling in the suburban ghettos may not realize it yet, but, make no mistake, the people who control technology and run every enterprise that makes up our world have seen this coming for a long time. The ideas of renewable energy, global warming, the idea of collectively working were purposefully bought out, derailed, demonised, or corrupted in favor of an economic structure designed by a monetary cast system. In a desperate attempt to convince us that we need to maintain that extravagant existence, they’ve pretended we might share in their dream. That we can justify any inhumanity in it’s name. Out of this blind ignorance was born the curse of slavery.

Many of the founders of this country were themselves Masons. That is not a left-wing or a right-wing conspiracy theory, it is a widely known and accepted fact. So then explain to me how a nation founded by men, who not only understood the long and complicated history of Europe, but also that of Africa can permeate such a lie in convincing the American public that one race of men was superior and one inferior. When, in fact, we know that all the early men, the people who created civilization, every aspect of what we see today, the foundation of all modern human life – were from Africa. The greatest cowardice, of course, came not with slavery itself, unfortunately, but with the excuses for slavery. For if America had been as brave as the Roman Empire and all other empires that had come after her, and claimed “No, we were just stronger and that’s why we took you!, ” then when slavery was over racism would have probably followed in suit. But instead it was the social lie, the religious lie that was told that stayed in the minds of people that separated one human being from another in order to distract us from the issues of class and freedom – they created issues around religion and race to dominate the world for centuries to come.

Some claim that they respect the culture of life in this country. They cry out for the indignity of children that are slaughtered before they are born, but god has not penetrated their souls, for they have no empathy; nothing in their cold hearts for the hundreds of thousands of lives we have taken in our wars overseas for that which they call “collateral damage, ” which are the burnt and damaged children of world. They have no prayers for them. Only snide commentary on the Internet and laughter in their hearts, and yet you claim to be one with God? (chuckle)

We talk about immigration in this country. Might doesn’t make right, ladies and gentlemen, it just makes right now. What we are saying to the rest of the world is one day when America grows weak, one day when her legions falter on a day when her economy crumbles, China, Russia, Europe, whatever power has arisen; all you have to do is come here and conquer us in a few military excursions, and then you too can set up shop here, and in 100 years you can tell every red blooded American “No! You are an illegal human being! I am the true citizen! I have all the rights! You have no rights! ” Maybe you forgot how you got this country. Maybe you take for granted the blood, the sweat, the tears that the people who live in practical serfdom shed everyday; for we may not run America, but we make America run.

We talk about the law, yet how many indignities have been legal in the past? How many treaties with Native American people have we broken? How many international laws have we violated? And, speaking of laws, how can a corporation be regulated by a government that is funded and controlled by corporations? How can there be accountability for people who see a profit margin above the lives of Americans? Above the lives of human beings in other countries? We have taken the soul out of ourselves and placed them inside machines.

My words, of course, will be marginalized, demonised in typical fashion. Anytime you dare to question the power structure they say, “You hate America.”


I love this country. I see it’s beauty everyday in it’s people, and I love it a lot more than those that have abandoned the American worker, that have chose to exploit and try and take away every single benefit that she has. Those that attempt to make excuses for every atrocity committed in the name of supposed freedom. Those who demand accountability from everyone, but often none themselves. Who favor contracts over lives. Who favor invasion and control over organic democracy overseas. The greatest flaw that any intelligent person has is to think that they’re smarter than everyone else.

And so, as the government has planted it’s spies amongst us, we have planted our spies among them. They have infiltrated every branch of the American government. They have retrieved names, data, hard numbers, the paper trail that will expose those that truly control this country. Those that control the political parties. Those that control the oil industry. The energy. Those that stand behind the companies; faceless, whose names have never been revealed until today…




Have A Stiff Drink

A 2001 study at the University of Texas found that lifters who drank a shake containing amino acids and carbohydrates before working out increased their protein synthesis more than lifters who drank the same shake after exercising. The shake contained 6 grams of essential amino acidsā€”the muscle-building blocks of proteinā€”and 35 grams of carbohydrates.

“Since exercise increases bloodflow to your working tissues, drinking a carbohydrate-protein mixture before your workout may lead to greater uptake of the amino acids in your muscles,” says Kevin Tipton, Ph.D., an exercise and nutrition researcher at the University of Texas in Galveston.

For your shake, you’ll need about 10 to 20 grams of proteinā€”usually about one scoop of a whey-protein powder. Can’t stomach protein drinks? You can get the same nutrients from a sandwich made with 4 ounces of deli turkey and a slice of American cheese on whole wheat bread.

But a drink is better. “Liquid meals are absorbed faster,” says Kalman. So tough it out. Drink one 30 to 60 minutes before your workout.

CytoSport Muscle Milk

Muscle Milk
Muscle Growth And Repair!
Nature’s Ultimate Lean Muscle Formula!

Leading scientists assessing the true role of fats in increasing lean muscle growth have shown all fats are not created equal. The type of fat determines whether you use it for muscle energy or store it as body fat! The LeanLipidsā„¢ used in Muscle MilkĀ® promote fat loss three ways:

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the predigested ā€œfast burning fats,ā€ are more likely burned for muscle energy and heat than stored as fat. 20% of Muscle Milk lipids are MCTs.

Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are also less likely to be stored as fat. Special enzyme engineering makes these lipids even more functional and enhanced mineral retention.

Recent research reveals calories with engineered lipids taken before and during workouts promote leanness. It is thought that these calories are used for workout energy, with less deposited as fat.

So, while Muscle Milk may contain slightly more fat than low-fat high-carb products, our Lean Lipidsā„¢ are designed to help you get leaner.

EvoProā„¢ā€”Natureā€™s Ultimate Proteinā€”Amino Blend

Human milk is composed of unique and highly complex proteins, peptides and amino acids, which promote rapid muscle tissue growth. EvoProā„¢ includes these alpha and beta micellar caseins, alpha-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, L-glutamine and more. Nature created this precise mix to stimulate muscle growth to higher levels, and EvoPro is the ultimate nitrogen delivery source.

Muscle Milk helps grow muscle faster than gainers, whey or even creatine. This increased muscle growth is possible because Muscle Milk is the first product patterned after Natureā€™s ultimate anabolic foodā€”human motherā€™s milk. Locked within the composition of human motherā€™s milk are long-held secrets to muscle growth potential. We took the next step and actually duplicated these important muscle growth factors into Muscle Milk. Muscle Milk helps you grow muscle like never before.

Benefits of using Muscle MilkĀ®

Efficient Energy Production: Lean Lipidsā„¢ are special fats that are easily mobilized for workout energy, enhance your bodyā€™s fat metabolism and promote protein synthesis and mineral retention.

Muscle Growth and Repair: EvoProā„¢ is a complex ratio of proteins, peptides and amino acids designed to replicate the amazing benefits of motherā€™s milk for rapid tissue growth and repair.

Some reviews of clients on Amazon do not favour the taste however….
