Monthly Archives: February 2012

Make One Snack Ice Cream

Have a bowl of ice cream (any kind) 2 hours after your workout. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this snack triggers a surge of insulin better than most foods do. And that’ll put a damper on post-workout protein breakdown.

Ooo Risky….

Eat Every 3 Hours

“If you don’t eat often enough, you can limit the rate at which your body builds new proteins,” says Houston. Take the number of calories you need in a day and divide by six. That’s roughly the number you should eat at each meal. Make sure you consume some protein—around 20 grams—every 3 hours.

The Men’s Health Muscle System: Men’s


Are you looking for your next great workout? Look no further. This fat-burning, muscle-building plan—from the new book, The Men’s Health Diet—is exactly what you need to transform your body. It’s designed with minimum equipment requirements and maximum efficiency in mind: 10 exercises performed in a high-intensity circuit that works every muscle in your body.

But this isn’t your traditional program filled with the routine 3 sets of 10 reps. Those are arbitrary goals set by some gym teacher back in sixth grade. This plan works based on time—the ultimate motivator—and it allows you to challenge your body and push your fitness to new levels. Instead of worrying about a goal number of reps, each set is timed so you can push yourself to reach a new personal record with each workout. This approach allows you to choose if you want to perform more reps or add more weight, putting you in control of your goals. You’ll be changing your body, strengthening your heart, and doing everything you need to supercharge your metabolism and look and live healthier than ever.



Do this circuit 3 days a week. Perform 1 set of each exercise in succession.
Each set consists of doing the exercise as many times as you can in 30 seconds. Use only perfect form—it doesn’t count if you cheat, Mr. McGwire—and when your 30 seconds are up, give yourself 15 seconds to rest before moving on to the next exercise. Rest for 2 minutes after you’ve completed the entire sequence. Then repeat the whole process two more times for a total of 3 circuits per workout.

If you get tired and can’t continue exercising for the entire 30 seconds, stop and rest for a few seconds, and then resume performing reps until the time is up. For each exercise, you should start with a weight that you can use for 10 to 12 perfect reps.


Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift

Grab a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip and hold them in front of your thighs, arms hanging straight down. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent

(A). Without changing the bend in your knees, bend at your hips and lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor

(B). Pause, then raise your torso back to the starting position.


Dumbbell Plank and Row

Grab a pair of hex dumbbells with an overhand grip and assume a pushup position, your arms straight

(A). Keeping your core stiff, balance your weight on your left arm as you pull the dumbbell in your right hand up to the side of your chest, bending your arm as you pull it upward

(B). Pause, and then quickly lower the dumbbell. Repeat with your left arm.


Dumbbell Front Squat

Stand and hold a pair of dumbbells so that your palms are facing each other and a dumbbell head is resting on the meatiest part of each shoulder

(A). Keep your body as upright as you can at all times. Brace your abs and lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees

(B). Don’t allow your elbows to drop down as you squat. Pause, then push yourself back to the starting position.


Dumbbell Push Press

Stand and hold a pair of dumbbells so that your palms are facing each other and the dumbbells are parallel to the floor

(A). Keep your body upright as you bend slightly at the knees, then explosively push up with your legs as you press the dumbbells over your head

(B). Pause, then lower the weights to the starting position.


Dumbbell High Pull

Hold a pair of dumbbells just below the fronts of your knees with your palms facing your legs, your hips pushed back, and your knees slightly bent

(A). With your back flat and arms straight, pull both dumbbells upward as fast as you can by thrusting your hips forward and explosively standing up

(B). Keep the dumbbells as close to your body as possible and bring them up to shoulder height. (At the top of the movement, your elbows should angle out like you’re doing the funky chicken.) Return to the starting position.


Cross Body Mountain Climber

Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight

(A). Lift your right foot off the floor, then bend your right knee and bring it up under your body, toward your left elbow, without changing the arch in your lower back

(B). Lower your leg back to the starting position. Then raise your left foot off the ground and bring your left knee to your right elbow. Alternate back and forth until time is up.


Alternating Split Jump

Stand in a staggered stance with your feet 2 to 3 feet apart, your left foot in front of your right. Keeping your torso upright, bend your legs and lower your body into a lunge position

(A). At the bottom of the movement, your left thigh should be parallel to the ground, and your right thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Now jump with enough force to propel both feet off the floor

(B). While you’re in the air, scissor-kick your legs so you land with your right leg forward and your left leg behind you

(C). Repeat, alternating your forward leg for the duration of the set.


T Pushup

Grab a pair of hex dumbbells with an overhand grip and assume a pushup position, your arms straight

(A). Bend your elbows and lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor

(B). As you push yourself back up, lift your right hand and rotate the right side of your body as you raise the dumbbell straight up over your shoulder until your body forms a T

(C). Reverse the move and repeat, this time rotating your left side.


Reverse Lunge and Swing

Grasp the head of a dumbbell with both hands and hold the weight hanging down in front of your chest with your arms bent

(A). Step backward with your left leg and bend your left knee until it almost touches the floor. As you step back, rotate your shoulders and swing the dumbbell to the outside of your left hip

(B). Press back up to the starting position and swing the dumbbell to eye level with your
arms extended

(C). Return the dumbbell to the starting position and repeat on your other side.


Dumbbell Row

Grab a pair of dumbbells, bend at your hips (don’t round your lower back), and lower your torso until it’s nearly parallel to the floor. Let the dumbbells hang at arm’s length, palms inward

(A). Without moving your torso, row the weights upward by raising your upper arms, bending your elbows, and squeezing your shoulder blades together

(B). Keep the dumbbells close to the side of your body at the top of the movement. Pause, lower the dumbbells, and repeat.

The 9 Stupidest Mistakes Made by People Who Really Don’t Kno

When people get into streetfights there are always those that don’t have any business fighting in the first place.

I can usually spot them a mile away, and if I can spot them you better believe the predators can too.

So here is a list of the stupid mistakes that people make who don’t know how to fight.

Read the list and if you find yourself doing any of these things you better get rid of them fast before your luck runs out.

Remember fighting experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.

While this list is not exhaustive, it is a start, so here is the list in no particular order:

1. Acting like they know how to handle themselves, when they don’t. Like Mike Tyson says “Everyone has a plan until they get hit”

2. Not being aware or paying attention. In the Jungle if you look like meat you will be eaten.

3. Not realizing they’re in a fight. Freezing up, talking to themselves, being in denial, not turning on, all will lead to their undoing.

4. Keeping their eyes closed or head turned away when striking. Always face the attacker, don’t rely on a lucky punch.

5. Leaving themselves open for attack. Mouths open, chin sticking out, arms out stretched too far from their head and torso, can all lead to trouble.

6. Keeping the elbows out and the fists high when striking. This will make the strikes weak and ineffective when fighting.

7. Not breathing properly when striking. Causes loss of balance and stability, also loss of power in the strikes.

8. Throwing strikes that lack power. Not throwing hard fast power punches and not having an aggressive defense will all lead to your doom.

9. Keeping the head pulled back as they fight. Allows the attacker to strike with full leverage and power.

So there you have it, if you have any of these bad habits in your fight game, get rid of them now!

Before it’s too late, and they’re scrapping you off the pavement or worse.

Streetfighting isn’t a game, so take it seriously and train with that reality in mind.

And above all don’t make these stupid mistakes, let your adversary do it.

Daniel Sambrano
“Keep It Simple and Savage”

Alpha Brainwaves

Alpha Brainwaves provide the optimum learning state for the brain.

Ten things every teacher and student should know about Alpha Brainwaves


Ten Easy ways to achieve the best mental state for learning

Research has found that the ideal state for learning is when the brain is in a relaxed, but aware state.
So when we say relaxed, we do not mean asleep. We mean relaxed, focussed and aware.

At this point the brainwaves run at about 8 to 12 cycles per seconds or hertz.

This is called the alpha state.

This compares with the ‘normal’ state of 13-25 hertz which is called the beta state. The beta state is that of most of our waking moments as we go about our daily lives.

At the other end of the spectrum we find, just below the alpha level, the theta state which is even slower than alpha, and an even deeper sense of relaxation.

It is however more difficult to achieve, and really requires one to have the ability to meditate deeply.

It is a highly creative state.

Slower still is the state of sleep which is the

delta state.

10 Easy Ways to achieve the Alpha State

It can be achieved in a number of ways and most of us achieve it at some during most days. A typical time may be just before one goes to sleep, or as one wakes.
At this time the mind is clear, receptive to information, and rapidly makes ‘connections’, realisations and joins up thoughts.

Many an ‘AHA!’ or ‘EUREKA’ moment comes at these times.

This was no doubt the state that Archimedes was in a good relaxed state when he launched himself out of the bath and down the street in his birthday suit.

The state is also great for releasing stress.

#1 Alpha Technique – Classical Superlearning Music, (Baroque) for optimum accelerated learning

Researchers have found that certain music types ease the brainwaves into the relaxed ‘alpha state’ that is ideal for Superlearning.
A number of sources provide such recordings which can be great for providing the background for a more effective learning session.

Has your software got it inbuilt?

One form of this superlearning music is the largo movements of certain Baroque composers. The largo movements are around 40 to 60 beats per minute.

The 200 Words a Day excelerated language learning courses, include such Baroque Superlearning music as part of the programmes.

One can simply select this ‘optilearning’ or ‘superlearning’ music by clicking that selection on the Options menu to have one of a choice of Baroque classics playing in the background, while one learns French, German or Spanish vocabulary.

#2 – Meditation

Meditation is a great way to get to an alpha state.
There are many types of meditation methods including the famed ‘Transcendental Meditation’.

#3 Alpha Brainwaves Technique – Yoga

Certain relaxing yoga styles can be affective way to get into the relaxed optilearning state.
#4 Relaxation & Super Learning via Floatation in a Float Tank ( Isolation Tank )

One of the most rapid, and effective methods for getting in to an alpha state is through the use of a floatation tank.
Floating has been done for centuries in the waters of places such as the Dead Sea.

But the modern floating phenomema was discovered by Dr Lilly who was experimenting with sensory deprivation. Rather than sending him insane, (as was the thinking at the time) floating in a dark environment led him in to a deeply relaxed, meditative state.

There are many commercial float centres worldwide where you can float for 40 to 60 minutes and drift in to a deeply relaxed state, perfect for superlearning languages, or any subject.

The float tank is like a very large bath, with a cover. Water comes up to about 50 centimetres and it has about 600 kilograms of Epsom Salts dissolved in it. The salts make the water very dense, so that whole body floats unaided, and without the need to flap or kick.

Stress just melts away, and in float tanks with speakers fitted they can be used to pipe music or learning material into while you float in a relaxed, meditative state. The physical relaxation on the body is also wonderfully de-stressing for the body.

#5 The Jose Silva Method as a tool for Superlearning

Jose Silva developed a method of dynamic meditation which is effective at getting the user in to an alpha state.
#6 Relaxation through Breathing

Rythmnic breathing in a relaxed posture and a peaceful environment is important for getting to the alpha state.
Rythmnic breathing techniques are taught by many eastern relaxation disciplines. Yoga, aikido, tai-chi to name a few.

Language learning is enhanced when students are ‘fed’ new information in regularly timed ‘shots’ of information. The 200 Words a Day incorporates such a system, giving the student the option to have the ‘Excelearning’ mode selected.

In this mode, words and ‘Memory Triggers’ and sent out in timed bursts during which the student is prompted to breathe in, hold the breathe, and then breathe out.

The breathing prompts clear the mind, and allow the student to focus and concentrate on the material being learned.

#7 Rapid-Alpha using Light and Sound Machines – Brainwave Synchronizers

In the 1930’s scientists found that strobes tend to cause brainwaves to follow the frequency pattern of the light. They also found that brainwaves follow the pulse of rhythmic sound.
For centuries man has beaten drums around the fireplace to achieve a deeply meditative, hypnotic trance-like state… so there’s nothing new there!

Technology has enabled us to harness the two at accurate pulse-rates to effortlessly achieve brainwave synchronization.

How do Brainwave Synchronizers work?

There are a number of light and sound machines available which help one get to an alpha state.
Most have a thing that looks like a pair of large sunglasses into which lights are flashed at different frequencies. Different coloured light bulbs allow the machine to vary the colours and patterns can be varied by varying the inputs between the left and right eye.

You lie on a bed with the ‘glasses’ on and close your eyes. Switch on for ‘instant meditation’.

At the same time you can put on a headset through which rhythmic sounds are sent. The combination puts you into a deeply relaxed state, providing of course you have chosen such a setting.

The Headphones part of Brainwave Synchronizers

Researchers have found that if you put regularly pulsing sound at the one frequency in one ear, and sound at another frequency in the other ear, your brain will pulse at a frequency equal to the difference between the two frequencies.
so if you put sound of 100 cycles per second (hertz) in the left ear and 110 hertz in the right ear, your brainwaves will pulse at 10 hertz …. ALPHA!

Of course by combining light and sound, at selected frequency you will understand how easily and effortlessly you can achieve the alpha state with a Brainwave Synchronizer.

More information on Brainwave Synchronizers

For more detailed information and a great range of high quality products check out one of the market leaders Photosonix .
#8 Alpha Technique – Biofeedback

Biofeedback is a system of training one’s body to respond to various mental commands. There are now a number of machines that can help you with this.
#9 – Autogenics

Another form of biofeedback.
#10 – Alpha Technique – Before sleep

One naturally enters the alpha state as one falls asleep, and when one slowly and naturally wakes up.
The blast of the alarm clock will shatter through theta-delta-alpha and to beta.

How does one harness this ‘alpha state’ on waking. Simple.

As you awaken, just lie there and consciously direct your thoughts to the learning material you are covering, or the topics that you need to address.
This is particularly easy when you have no pressure to get out of bed, say on a weekend.

Use a non-alarm type alarm clock. Use one of those that just wakes you up gently, for example like with quiet music that very slowly builds up

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